As your financial services partner, Cairnavigate is invested in your success.
From the beginning, we work with financial advisors and corporations to develop a comprehensive financial plan to achieve your financial goals. That detailed plan becomes the framework in which we operate and includes measurable objectives and benchmarks focused on maximizing ROI. We continually evaluate our performance against those benchmarks to ensure we are continually moving the needle closer to your goals.
However, once we achieve those goals, we do not stop there. Ongoing evaluation of investments is essential to the long-term success of those investments, and we provide this support by recommending adjustments or improvements to your financial strategy based on continually evolving market dynamics.
Cairnavigate is a financial services consulting group that provides financial advisors, investment consultants and CFOs with pension and retirement plan investment solutions delivered through insurance. We specialize in pension risk transfer and stable value investment solutions that help companies create better outcomes for their plan participants.
[c] [y] Cairnavigate | 1326 Woodside Ave. | Park City, UT 84060 | Tel: 310-424-5049 | Email | Site by Point Taken